Matagorda Invitation 2006


Blair & Jeanette McClure, Jim and Karen Glock, Steve & Cynthia Nussenblat

While attending Pineknot Rally II, we met some local fellow fiberglassers. We planned to meet at Matagorda Island RV Park and invited all that was interested from the various fiberglass websites and forums. We came up with the first week in December because there isn't much going on in the FGRV world as far as gatherings and is a great time to get away between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Plus there are not many people at the beach during this time of year. 

Neither sleet, rain nor sand kept 10 FGRV units from the Matagorda gathering. Friday afternoon was greeted with a very rare 'sleet' occurrence at the campground. The group met later that evening at the local seafood grill for some good fellowship and idea sharing. We hope everyone enjoyed the campground and area. This was the first year that the Matagorda Bay RV Park was open and the LCRA Nature Center building was still under construction.
